Sunday, November 15, 2009

Curious.... Very Curious....

Alrighty, so it's like 3 am right about now, and I'm not tired. It’s good to be back, I kinda enjoy this sort of thing. As I am constantly trying to find things to spend my time doing, to fight off that monster that is sleep, I find myself falling back on an old habit. Unfortunately, this habit seems to be reading fanfiction. Fanfiction, for those of you who don't know, is essentially writing for people with creativity, but not enough to make up much by themselves. This particular story I am reading tonight has to deal with the typical cliché Harry Potter fanfictions topics such as him becoming smart all of a sudden because of one thing. I then come across a section after HP cuts a death eater's head in half with a scythe. I thought it was pretty badass. He didn't. So he and Ron and Hermione are hugging to comfort his pussyness and this war written: "What did surprise him, though, was Ron, who put his arm around his and Hermione's shoulders, pressing his head against theirs and tightening the group hug. They set aside the macho confidence and the teen shyness at the contact of another man."

Now what confuses me here is this section here.... : "They set aside the macho confidence and the teen shyness at the contact of another man." Does this mean that they have never hugged a man in their life? That displaying affection for the same gender is somehow wrong?

I suppose the object of this blog would be the diminishing importance of friendly or loving acts. For instance, I myself am a relatively affectionate person. I like to hug all the time and I thrive on that. I tell people I love them all the time. I compliment whoever I see fit to compliment, no matter what. This is not exclusive to me, as I have seen this in many people. In the story I have been reading, every single romantic down to a hug or holding a hand has had incredible significance, simply because they don't do that sort of thing I guess. Everything just seemed to be ground breaking, shattering. I was watching King of the Hill the other night, and the same thing happened. Bobby and Connie held hands for the first time and, to them, it was the best thing that ever happened to them, like they just had sex or something. Now I don't know about you, but I hold hands with people all the time and its not as good as sex.

With our constant displays of affection, when our hugs or compliments or words of comfort are supposed to matter, does it? Many people say that my generation is a generation who constantly over-reacts, one to exaggerate. With our "exaggeration" of friendly gestures and the like, does it actually make them unimportant? What happens when the phrase, "I Love You" becomes insignificant and obsolete, those incredibly meaningful words lost in the swampy depths that is common language, never to be returned to their original, life-affirming glory.

Just something I was thinking about. Don't know if it has much validity though.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Jumping on the Bandwagon!

Well, this certainly is an odd turn of events. As it turns out, the farther away you go from something, the more curious and drawn to it you are. I find myself in a similar situation with this whole blogging thing. For the past who knows how long, I have been vehemently opposed to blogging of any sort, chalking it up to being for over-opinionated assholes. And for the most part, this is true. Any blog I hear about is, that is until recently, about someone bitching about the problems of the world and doing absolutely nothing about the very same problems, and often times contributing to the same issues they are speaking against. This blog, is a half-assed attempt to shy away from that particular bitching without action mold by taking out the bitching. After all, if you cut off its head, the snake cannot survive, right? Right. So for today's wonderful blog of Clopsness, we shall talk about the disadvantages to being over-productive.

So many people in today's workforce are so concerned about their level of productivity, getting to work on time, getting work that should be done within a 4 hour span in less than half that time. There are studies that show people skip out on meals, family time, and overall fun because they want to be the best person on their floor in their office building, being a slave to the competitive society we live in. This translates to school as well. Teenagers for the most part work their asses off all year to fulfill the certain standards of a teacher who has spent way too much time in school. Students work themselves incredibly hard to pass their AP tests, finals, and standardized tests such as the HSPA, which is a joke of a test, by the way. I took a nap in most of the sections and without any effort whatsoever got within 10 points of advanced proficient. This is part of the point here too. Why put all your effort to over-succeed when you can put in minimal effort, still get the job done, and you even get to relax while doing it. As the famous philosopher Aesop tells us, "slow and steady wins the race." While over-succeeding is admirable, it is entirely unneeded and unwanted. Over-succeeding is a direct cause of stress and mental instability in adults. People should take a break for a while, and instead of taking off work to have a vacation, have a vacation while you work. Had a tough hour or so of work? Go to the coffee shop and buy yourself a bloody scone. Had enough of listening to your teacher rambling about nothing in school? Daydream for a bit.

Take your day into your own hands, relax a bit, and stop worrying about those silly electrical bills, those A+ your elitist parents want you to get, and take a nap. Its ok, no one really minds too much, as long as you get it done eventually. So you go sleep in instead of doing those TPS reports. You go on facebook for hours instead of doing your term paper. More power to you!